Named after my two Grandmothers.

Named after my two Grandmothers.

Who Am I

My name is Stacy Welch-Christ and I love my family. I am a Christian, and my family sits right there underneath my Faith and I don’t put anything but God above them, definitely not myself.  I try to do everything, humbly and with love and truth.  I am a homeschooling momma of two beautiful girls who I am so proud of and one little angel baby boy in Heaven.  My husband is my supporter, helper, second shooter, prop man and friend and he also runs our other business, The Feed Dock at Angus Valley Ranch and Equipment.  I have always loved taking photos.  It's important for me to be able to look back and I’ve found that even when I’m going through something tough, looking back at photos helps me to remember that those times were as wonderful as I remember.  Memories have always been so special and something that I can look to for joy, remembrance and learning. I have one of those minds that can see memories like they are playing in real time. So a photo, takes me into a moment that I remember like yesterday and that is special for me. One of my favorite memories as a kid was when our whole extended family would get together in the living room and pass around photo albums.  I cherish every moment and I like the feeling that looking at a photo brings back to me.